Installing Dusty


You must have the following installed in order to run Dusty:

Pre-Dusty Install

brew update
which boot2docker || brew install boot2docker
which docker-compose || brew install docker-compose
ssh-add -K
ssh-add -K <path-of-private-key>

ssh-add adds private key identities to the authentication agent, ssh-agent. This will allow Dusty to pull repos using your saved SSH credentials. <path-of-private-key> should point at the SSH file set up to talk to your remote git repository (GitHub for instance).

Dusty Installation

To download and install Dusty, run:

bash -c "`curl -L`"

This script will install Dusty as a service and run the preflight check to ensure that all dependencies are installed. If the script throws an error, make sure to resolve that before continuing.

If that worked, continue to Setup.