App Specs

Apps define running containers based on source code under your control. App specs tell Dusty how to run this container, including any dependencies the app may have on other apps, services, or libs. You can also specify common scripts and testing commands for an app in its spec.

By default, Dusty manages the source for an app for you and keeps it up to date automatically. You can tell Dusty to use your own locally checked out copy of the source using dusty repos.


repo: /Users/myuser/my-app

repo specifies the repo containing the source for an app. By default, Dusty manages this repo for you and will keep its local copy up to date. Once a repo is defined in an active spec, it can be controlled using the dusty repos command.

Repos can be specified using either a URL or an absolute path to a Git repo on your local filesystem.


mount: /my-app

mount tells Dusty where to mount the contents of the repo inside the running container.

mount must be provided if repo is provided.


    - myService1
    - myService2
    - myOtherApp
    - myLib

depends is used to specify what libs, apps and services this app depends on.

Containers for apps and services specified in the depends dict are created before the container for the referencing app. The referencing app is then linked (using Docker links) to the dependent apps and services. Once containers are linked, they may reference each other through the environment variables or /etc/hosts overrides provided by Docker links.

N.B.: All container links, including those from both depends and conditional_links, must be acyclical.

Dependent libs (and their lib dependencies) will be mounted into the running app container and installed according to their specs.

    - myConditionalApp

conditional_links specifies downstream apps which are not required by the referencing app but should be linked if they are running as the result of a different bundle or dependency. This lets you layer optional containers onto a stack without forcing them all to be run whenever the main container is run.

Unlike depends, conditional_links do not support links to libs.

N.B.: All container links, including those from both depends and conditional_links, must be acyclical.


  - host_name:
    host_port: 80
    container_port: 80

host_forwarding allows you to specify multiple routes which should be linked between your host OS and the application running inside this app's container.

host_name: local hostname exposed on your host OS. host_port: local port which routes through to the container port. container_port: remote port the app is running on in the Docker container.

In this example, we would be able to go to on our host OS and talk to the process inside this app's container on port 80.


image: ubuntu:15.04

image specifies a Docker image on which to base the container which will run this app. If the image does not exist locally, Dusty will pull it.

Either build or image must be supplied in the spec. They cannot both be supplied.


build: .

build specifies a directory containing a Dockerfile on the host OS which will be used to build a new image to serve as the base image for this app's container.

This path can be absolute or relative. If it is relative, it is relative to repo directory on the host OS.

Either build or image must be supplied in the spec. They cannot both be supplied.


    - apt-get update
    - apt-get install -qy python
    - python runserver --noreload

commands define scripts that are run at various points in a container's lifecycle. Two sub-commands are supported: once and always.

once: Runs only the first time a container is started. Generally, this is run during a dusty up. always: Runs every time the container is started, after the once script has run if it is the first time. The always script must run the application's main process.

Generally, you will want to do expensive setup operations like installs inside once, then start your application inside of always.

The output of these commands is logged inside the app's container at /var/log/dusty_always.log and /var/log/dusty_once.log.


  - name: grunt
    description: Build assets compiled by Grunt (CSS, JS, that sort of thing)
      - grunt build

scripts allows you to specify scripts that can be run inside the app's container. This is useful for sharing common functionality across all users of the specs.

The dusty scripts command is used for introspection and execution of available scripts.

Scripts can accept arguments at runtime through the dusty scripts command. Arguments are passed through to the final command specified by the command list.


    MONGO_HOST: persistentMongo

Dusty uses Docker Compose to create and manage containers. The compose key allows you to override any of the values passed through to Docker Compose at runtime.

For more information on what you can override through this key, please see the Docker Compose specification.



The test key contains information on how to run tests for an application. Once specified, tests may be run with the dusty test command. To find out more about the testing spec, see the testing spec page.