
Asking for Help

Please run a dusty dump, save the results to a gist, and include a link to the gist in any bug reports.

Running Tests

Unit tests are pretty simple:

$ nosetests tests/unit

Integration tests must be run on OS X and are a bit trickier. Be aware that integration tests may alter or delete existing Dusty information on your system, including but not limited to your config, Dusty-managed repos, and boot2docker VM.

The recommended approach is to let the Jenkins server run these for you when you submit a PR.

# Integration tests run against an actual Dusty daemon
$ sudo launchctl stop org.gamechanger.dusty
$ sudo dusty -d & # launch a daemon based on your checked out code
$ DUSTY_ALLOW_INTEGRATION_TESTS=yes nosetests tests/integration

Building Docs

Docs are built with MkDocs. For development, you can run the following in the root Dusty directory:

$ pip install mkdocs
$ mkdocs serve

Maintaining the Changelog

User-facing changes should be documented in the Changelog as they are merged. The following types of changes should be prefixed with the appropriate change type:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changes to the existing Dusty CLI, specs, or runtime environment which are not backwards-compatible
  • NEW: A new user-facing feature, or something that enables a workflow that wasn't possible before.
  • FIXED: Noteworthy, user-facing bug fixes.

Any changes which do not meet any of these definitions but do affect the user experience may be listed without a prefix.

Release Checklist

  • Update the changelog

    • Add a date to the changelog for this version
    • Add a new version with (In Progress) after it
  • Cut a new release by running the DustyRelease Jenkins job with your new version number

  • Update Installation to point to the binary for your new version

  • Bump the version number in dusty/ to the new, in-progress version